The Torah Portion of Bechukotai - Shabbat Chazak (finishing the book of Vayikra) and Shabbat Mevorchim for the month of Sivan
Please note: In Israel the Torah Portion of Bechukotai coincides with the 27th of Iyar 5778 (May 12, 2018). Outside of Israel, the Double Torah Portion of Behar - Bechutotai coincides with the 27th of Iyar 5778 (May 12, 2018). The reason that the Torah Portions for Israel and outside of Israel are not the same, is because Israel has 7 days of Passover but outside of Israel there are 8 days of Passover, the last day of which was a Shabbat this year. Therefore, Israel started to read the regular Torah Portion of the week while those outside of Israel were reading the Torah Portion for the 8th day of Passover. This week a double Torah Portion is read outside of Israel in order to "catch up" with Israel, so that next week the same Torah Portion will be read both in Israel and outside of Israel.
Excerpted and Translated from the the Teachings of Rabbi Gershon Steinberg ztz"l
L'ilui Neshamat HaGaon HaTzaddik R' Gershon Avigdor Ben Chaim ztz"l
L'ilui Neshamat R' Yochanan Yitzchak Ben Nachum z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Yaakov Ben Matisyahu HaLevi z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Michael Ben Nachman z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Zehava Bat Shlomo z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Esther Mushka Bat Yaakov HaLevi z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Esther Bat Natan z"l
L'ilui Neshamat Shlomo Ben Chaim z"l
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Malka Bat Rivkah Zlata
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Deena Bat Tzion Bat Zehava
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Chaya Basha Bat Esther
L'refuat Hanefesh V'lrefuat Haguf L'Etan Naphtali Ben Zehava
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Rivkah Goldah Bat Chaya Basha
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Shimon Ben Rivkah Goldah
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Simcha Pearl Bat Rivkah Goldah
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Ahuva Nechama Bat Simcha Pearl
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Moshe Shlomo Ben Rivkah Goldah
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Chaim Sh'muel Ben Rivkah Goldah
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Avital Bat Rut
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Eliezer Yitzchak Ben Bracha Devorah
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Michael Itzhak Nesshael Ben Avital
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Naomi Chana Bat Chaya Basha
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Refael Ben Masha Etel
L'refuat Hanefesh V'lrefuat Haguf L'Fruma Freidel Bat Esther
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Rav Daniel Reuven Ben Esther
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Simcha Alice Allegra Bat Miriam
L'refuat Hanefesh V'lrefuat Haguf L'Nachum Natan Ben Chana and
L'refuat Hanefesh V'l'refuat Haguf L'Kol Am Yisrael V'l'geulah Hashleima Bekarov
"If you will walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3)
Rashi explains that this means that you should be laboring in the Torah. The Eglei Tal writes in the introduction to his book that the main emphasis of the Mitzvah of learning Torah is to be rejoicing and happy and enjoying one's learning, and since he enjoys the words of Torah he becomes attached to the Torah. And in the book Ohev Yisrael it is written that everyone who learns with more labor and effort finds more enjoyment in his learning, and it is a Mitzvah in and of itself to be laboring and making an effort in the Torah and to increase his enjoyment all the time. And in this way he explains the verse "If you will walk in my statutes...then I will provide your rains in their time" (Vayikra 26:3-4): if you will be laboring in the Torah all the time to increase your enjoyment of learning the Torah, then the reward will be "Middah K'neged Middah" (a turn for a turn) and I will give your rains in their time, which is also an increase in enjoyment.
"If you will walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3)
The Ohr HaChaim explains that "If you walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3) uses the language of "walking", because one should fulfill the Mitzvah (of learning Torah) "when you are walking on the way" (Devorim 6:7)
"If you will walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3)
The masters of Mussar (ethical teachings) say that we need to take a lesson from a bicycle, because if a bicycle stands still it falls, and if it is working then it goes forward. And that is the explanation of "you will walk", that one needs all the time to work and to go forward in the Torah and in the service of Hashem.
"If you will walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3)
This is a hint that in any place where you go, you should go with the Mitzvot of the Torah, because in general when going on a journey it is difficult to be careful about fulfilling the Mitzvot, and that is why the verse says "If you will walk in my statutes" (Vayikra 26:3): even on the road it is also necessary to be careful about the Mitzvot.
"...and I have broken the bars of your yoke..." (Vayikra 26:13)
The Sages bring a parable about a king who became angry at his son and swore that he would throw a huge stone at him. After several days the king regretted it and was very sorry about his oath. One of his ministers suggested to him: behold, you didn't swear that you would throw the huge stone in its entirety all at once. It's possible to break the stone into small pieces and then to throw that at him and that way you will fulfill your oath and your son will survive. So too, if the Holy One Blessed Be He makes a decree, G-d forbid, and we do Teshuvah (i.e., we repent) then the Holy One Blessed Be He breaks up the decree into small pieces and there won't be damage Israel, and that is what is meant by "and I have broken the bars of your yoke" (Yayikra 26:13).
A Good Heart
From the holiday of Pesach until Lag Ba'omer there are 32 days, and that is the numerical value of the Hebrew word for "Heart" (Lev). And from Lag Ba'omer until the holiday of Shavuot there are 17 days, which is the numerical value of the Hebrew word for "good" (Tov). Together that is a "Good Heart" (Lev Tov). This is a hint that we need to strengthen ourselves with good character traits and good behavior, as a preparation for receiving the Torah.
"Blessed is the man that trusts in Hashem, then Hashem will be his security" (Yirmiyahu 17:7)
When a man trusts in Hashem, then even if he has difficulties Hashem will help him; therefore a man needs to make as much effort as he can and Hashem will help him, and that is why the verse finishes "then Hashem will be his security". R' Yosef Yuz'l Horovitz ztz"l explains that the very essence of the matter that one trusts in Hashem is in and of itself a blessing, even if his request to Hashem has not yet been accepted.
The Torah Portion of Bechukotai has 78 verses, 7 positive commandments and 5 negative commandments.
Haftora: "Hashem Uzi" (Yirmiyahu 16)
Pirkei Avot, Chapter 6.
This is Shabbat Mevorchim for the month of Sivan. Rosh Chodesh is on Yom Shlishi (Tuesday). The Molad is on Yom Gimel Lifnot Boker at the hour 5:21 with 6 Chalakim.
May you all have a light-filled and happy Shabbat.
Shabbat Shalom.
L'ilui Neshamat HaGaon HaTzaddik R' Gershon Avigdor Ben R' Chaim ztz"l, Nilkach L'Bait Olamo Yud Gimmel Tishrei 5772
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