Wednesday, May 9, 2012


"A Shabbat for Hashem." (Vayikra 25:2)  

The Holy One Blessed Be He commanded to fulfill the Mitzvah of Shmittah and Yovel, in order that everyone would know that the Holy One Blessed Be He is the owner of all the world, and therefore it is called "A Shabbat for Hashem". (Vayikra 25:2)  

"A Shabbat for Hashem." (Vayikra 25:2)  

For all fields it is good for them to rest a certain period of time, and that is beneficial so that they will grow better afterwards, and therefore it is written "A Shabbat for Hashem" (Vayikra 25:2), because it is necessary to fulfill the Mitzvah of Shmittah and Yovel for the sake of Heaven and not for the sake of benefiting the field.

"The land shall observe a Shabbat for Hashem." (Vayikra 25:2) 

 Shmittah is similar to Shabbat; by way of the  Shabbat the entire week becomes blessed as is stated in the Zohar,  and similarly the Sages state, that from the year of the Shmittah the other six years become blessed.

"Do not harass one another." (Vayikra 25:17) 

The verse is speaking about verbal harassment.  It is forbidden to cause suffering to one's fellow man, and forbidden to give him advice that is not beneficial to him but which is to the benefit of the person who is giving the advice.

"Do not subjugate him through hard labor."  (Vayikra 25:43) 

It's forbidden for a person to request a favor from his friend when he knows that it will be a burden for him, because he thereby transgresses the prohibition of "Do not subjugate him through hard labor."  (Vayikra 25:43) (from Rabeinu Yonah)

The Torah Portion of Behar has 57 verses, 24 commandments,  7 positive commandments and 17 negative commandments.  Haftora: "Vayomer Yermiyahu" (Yermiyahu 32)

L'ilui Neshamat HaGaon HaTzaddik R' Gershon Avigdor ben R' Chaim ztz"l

Shabbat Shalom!

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